Game Project


Learn and think about different types of games that are played here in the United States and around the world.  Develop your own games and try them out with friends and family.

 Your job:

Phase 1: What is a game?

There are lots of types of games in the world today; sporting games, board games, card games.  Can you think of any others?

Some games are games of chance and others are games of skill.  What do you think this means?  What are some examples of how these games are different?  Can you name some games of chance and some games of skill?

In addition to thinking about the ideas and questions above please answer the below questions.

  1. What types of games do you like best and why?
  2. What types of games do you like least and why?
  3. What value do you think games add to a society and culture?
  4. Is there anything bad about games in society? 

Phase 2: Games Here, Games There 

There are many different games that you may not be aware of.  To learn more about games in different places and time please do the following.

  1. Invite in a speaker to teach you about the games your Grandparents and Great-Grandparents used to play. Practice these games with the speaker.  Talk about how they differ from games you play today.
  2. Invite in one or two speakers from different countries to talk to you about games that are popular in their countries. Practice these games with the speaker. Talk about how they differ from games you play today.


Phase 3: Game Research

Using the Internet research games in America today.  Did you find any new games? What games are the most interesting?

Research one game that you had never heard of before.  Learn the rules and try to write them down in your own words. Do you think the game would be fun, why?

Can you figure out what makes a good game or a popular game?

Phase 4: Be a Game Maker

Now it is time for you to design your own game.  It can be any type of game (a board game or a sport, etc). Be creative and think about what you have learned.  Think about who this game is for (young kids, older kids, etc.). Think about how you would try to get people interested in your game.

Be sure to write all the rules clearly.  If it is a board game be sure to create all the necessary pieces.  If it is a sport or card game please be sure to have all the supplies needed to play.

Share the game with your friends and family.  How did they like it? Was it easy to play?