Discovery Invention Convention – Friday, April 1st – 1:30 to 2:30

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The second grade is busy inventing and getting ready for the Discovery Invention Convention competition this Friday. Parents and Discovery staff and students are invited to see the show from 1:30 to 2:30. Come and show your support of our design engineers in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. We are looking for judges from 9:00 to 10:30 (who do not have a child competing.) Let Mrs. Neseralla know if you are available:

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Roof Top Garden Opening Soon

We are busy getting the garden ready for the grand opening on Earth Day, April 22nd. Students are sprouting seeds in their classroom and using grow stations. We are looking for parents to help with the grand opening and we may persuade you to join our garden committee. Let Mrs. Neseralla know if you are interested.

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Invention Convention Final Club Meeting


The 3rd and 4th grade inventors presented outstanding inventions and display boards today. Students received feedback and took note of what they need to do to be ready for the Discovery Academy Invention Convention on April 1st. Their projects will be judged in the morning and parents and other grade levels will be invited in the afternoon. Wait until you see their ingenious inventions!

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More Pi Day Winners

We have a few more champions to add to our list. These amazing students memorized digits of Pi. This Friday all the Discovery Academy winners will be given certificates and our two first prize winners will have a final contest to see how far past 100 they can go.

Kindergarten – Katelyn 19, Haley 19, Veronica 8
2nd Grade – Christian 11

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Top Pi Day Winners

We had our first Pi Day celebration and we’re amazed by the memorization ability of our students. The winners are:

4th Grade – Sirena 100 , Chase. 8
3rd Grade – Laasya 100, Michael 44, Tais 31
2nd Grade – Jaxon 33, Deana 20
1st Grade – Grace 14
Honorable Mention – Nihaal 61
Sirena and Laasya want to compete Friday for the top position. We will keep you posted.

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Discovery’s First Pi Day Celebration this Monday

Pi Day is coming up this Monday. Students all over the world will be celebrating and some wait until 3/14 at 1:59 to start! We are having our first Discovery Pi Memorization contest. If a students wants to compete and win they need to memorize the most digits of pi in their classroom. A simple way to explain pi is to share that the distance around a circle (circumference) is always a little more than three time across a circle (diameter). In fact it is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679….times. Good luck this weekend to the students who want practice to win the class record title. Start with memorizing 5 digits and move up from there.


The record for finding consecutive numbers, from 3.14 onward to the final digit, is held by Fabrice Bellard, a teenager, who announced in January 2010 that he had calculated pi to 2.7 trillion digits!