It’s All in the Brain

It’s All in the Brain: Did you hear that noise? What’s that awful smell?  Without us, even knowing, our sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin) are taking information and sending it to the brain for processing. If we did not have that, we would not be able to smell, hear, touch, or taste anything.  Our young scientists are investigating the sense organs and how the information travels from sensor to the brain.  Students will further explore the amazing inner workings of the eye.  So if you ever wonder how your camera is like a human eye, just ask one of our experts, the fifth grade students.

What’s It Like to be Color Blind


A Review of Light and the Human Eye

light and optics

knowledge of color and light

the human eye

review of the microscope, usage and parts

review of basic terminology

A Review of Sound and the Human Ear

sound waves and the human ear

How well do you know the ear?