Inclined Planes, Variables and Predictions in PreK

Mrs. Lynch’s class explored new ideas in Design Lab today. What looked like playing with cars was actually exploring inclined planes, variables and predictions. Students experimented with cars on ramps and made predictions on what would happen if the ramp was raised with extra blocks.


The Best Invention Convention Ever!

We are so proud of all our young engineers and the amazing job they did presenting their inventions. Their ability to share their design problem, engineering design solution, and refinements amazed our panel of judges. We are excited to send 23 young inventors to the CT River Academy at Goodwin College on April 8th for the Regional Invention Convention. Winners from this event will go on to the state finals at UCONN. A special thanks goes out to our wonderful judges who donated their valuable time. There has never been a better time to support education and our young engineers in the Hartford region.


Discovery Invention Convention is Here!

Tomorrow, March 23rd, our young engineers get to show off their problem solving with creative engineered inventions. Families are welcome to come and see their amazing work.

The Discovery Invention Convention will run from 9:00-11:15.
3rd grade presents from 9:00-10:00
2nd grade presents from 10:15-11:15
Club members in 4th and 5th grade present from 9:00-11:15.

Design Lab Blog


Our Pi Memorization Contest resulted in incredible accomplishments. We were thrilled to have PreK participants this year and many returning students. Congratulations to all who gave it a shot. Your gift is truly amazing.

First Place: Laasya 251 digits memorized (4th grade)

Second Place: Sirena 198 digits (5th grade)

Third Place Tie: Nihaal 104 digits (4th grade) and Grace Foster 2nd Grade 104 digits (1st grade)

Congratulations to our outstanding grade level winners:


5th Grade
Sirena 198

4th Grade
Laasya 251
Nihaal 104
Namyanzi 89

3rd Grade
Faith 61
Tanner 51
Aiden 14

2nd Grade
Grace 104
Srihaas 88
Will 21

1st Grade
Haley 41
Katelyn 41
Nirvaan 27

Wyatte 15
Marleigh 2

Joey 7
Zion 4
Sam 4

Happy Pi Day and Happy Birthday Albert Einstein

It is a great day to stay huddled inside memorizing Pi. The Discovery Academy contest will be on Thursday. Every classroom can have a winner. Try chunking the numbers, making a rap or turning Pi into a song. Pi Day is celebrated all over the world, “Albert Einstein was born on March 14, which is also celebrated as Pi Day, honoring the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, otherwise known as the mathematical constant π. One of science’s greatest minds of all time, Albert Einstein, was born on March 14, 1879, at his family’s home in Ulm, Germany.”


Rocks, Minerals and Dinosaur Dung?

Experiential Educators of Connecticut visited 3rd grade today and shared amazing rocks and minerals. Students loved the dinosaur foot print, droppings and smelling the sulfur. The scientist, Mike Caouette, was impressed with the students’ ability to identify and classify samples.

START Memorizing Pi Day is Coming!

MARCH 14th, 2017

We are having a Discovery Academy Pi memorization contest. A prize goes to the top student in each class with the highest number of digits in Pi they can memorize. Good luck everyone!



Pi Day 2016 Winners – Top memorization for each classroom that participated

4th Grade – Sirena 100, Chase 8

3rd Grade – Laasya 100, Michael 44, Tais 31

2nd Grade – Jaxon 33, Deana 20

1st Grade – Grace 14

Honorable Mention – Nihaal 61

Tie Breaker Sirena memorized 180 digits of Pi!