You Learn Something New Every Day

Have you ever had one of the Snapple drinks in a glass bottle?  Under the cap is a “real fact” that they share.  I always loved these as they are a bit quirky and fun to know.  It turns out that Snapple has an actual website for its “Real Facts.”  Now let’s not kid ourselves here.  This is not some benevolent empowering of society with knowledge.  It is a carefully calculated marketing plan to get you to like the Snapple company more and thus spend money with on Snapple.  So be warned, I am not advocating any drinking of Snapple beverages, just learning some fun facts.  Check out the website and surprise your student with a cool fact or piece of information that they probably haven’t even thought of before.  There is even a drop down menu to select facts by type. I must admit, I tend to get drawn in to the science ones.  Today’s fact of the day for me is “Lizards communicate by doing push-ups.”  Who knew?

Have fun learning things you can break out at family game night in a year.

-Mr. Reed-Swale