Newspaper Project


Learn about the news and how it is presented.

Evaluate select current events going around in your local community, state, country, or the world. 

Your job:

Phase 1: The News

  1. Identify different ways people get news today.
    1. Name the Source
    2. How does it present the news?
    3. What news does it share?
    4. How often do they update or change the news they share?
    5. How is it different from other sources?
    6. What do you think is good about this source? What is bad?
  2. Interviews
    1. In your family how do people like to get news? Why?
    2. In your school how do people like to get news? Why? (Are teachers and friends different?)

Phase 2: The Newspaper

Now that you have examined many sources of news, let’s look at one of the oldest in more detail, the newspaper.  Can you answer the below questions

  1. What different types of papers are there?
  2. What content do they include?
  3. What are the pros and cons of a newspaper?


Phase 3: Current Events

With the help of an adult pick three recent news stories.  Write a short summary of them and be sure to answer the below questions.

  1. Where did you find the story first?
  2. Was it also in any other sources?
  3. Was the story reported on one time or many?
  4. Did the story seem important to you? Why or Why Not?
  5. What did you notice about how the story was written?
  6. What did the three news stories teach you?

Phase 4: Your Paper

Now it’s your turn to design a newspaper.  Think about the following:

  1. What do you want your paper to focus on? (Your friends?, What’s happening in your school?, Your community? The world?)
  2. What do you need to do to write articles?
  3. What supplies do you need to create the paper?
  4. Who would you try to sell the newspaper too?
  5. Now that you have answered these questions make a decision tree that gives a high-level overview of your paper.

Create a mock paper

  1. Do research and interviews to write some stories for your newspaper. It doesn’t have to be long.
  2. Perhaps you want to take pictures or draw comics and art for your paper
  3. Make sure you design how you will lay out the articles
  4. Build the paper on the computer.
  5. Print and share