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Antarctic Mission 2030
The fated predictions of renowned scientists have finally been accepted! Global warming has caused arise in the sea level and the United States is in desperate need of relocating millions of its citizens. The president of the United States has decided to launch a colonization effort to settle unclaimed land of Antarctica. Fortunately the global warming effects have made the environment of this continent a viable place to establish a new US colony. You and your team will establish a plan on how to colonize a selected area of Antarctica. Your team will need to: · Select the key people who will start your settlement · Select a location and design a map of your community · Decide on the provisioning you will need to survive a year · Establish laws that will be needed to ensure order · Present project to the class Within your assigned role you need to research early American colonization. You will develop research questions, read about the colonies and write a one page summary on your topics. Using your research you will help your team make the critical decisions that will help your future colony be successful. Your decisions need to incorporate supporting historical data that you found in your research. Purser Geographer 1. What geographic elements helped make a colony successful? Lawyer
Colonization Web LINKS
Use the rubric Colonial Evaluation Final.pdf to self-evaluate your group project. Keeping this rubric in-mind during your research, planning and writing will help ensure your team gets the best grade possible. Your team’s success depends on working cooperatively and being focused. Congratulations! You have now established your own colony and have used your extensive knowledge about American colonization to make wise choices. History is not only the study of the past but a valuable resource in making decisions. Hopefully, this Colonization WebQuest has taught you valuable lessons and has given you insight into what is at the heart of colonization. As you go on to study other cultures and follow current events keep in mind the following: