Learn about the world through maps and geography.
Your job:
Phase 1: Discover the Power of Maps
- Tell us what you think….
- What is a map?
- Can you think of different types of maps, what are they?
- What are different ways people use maps?
- How have you seen maps used in your life, family?
- Draw some maps: On a separate piece of paper draw a map of your journey to school each day. Start at your home and End at the School. Be sure to add details and labels.
- Draw some maps: On a separate piece of paper draw a map of your neighborhood. Be sure to add details and labels.
- Visit ESRI’s ArcGIS Online : http://www.esri.com/software/arcgis/arcgisonline/features/maps
- Explore the different types of maps. For each type of map answer the following questions
- What do maps in this category show?
- What is one interesting thing you learned from these maps?
- How do you think these maps could be used?
- Imagery
- Basemaps
- Demographics and Lifestyle
- Boundaries and Places
- Landscape
Phase 2: Topography
Topographic Maps are used to show height and elevation.
Step 1: Using the internet research topographic maps.
Step 2: Using clay and other supplies you will build a topographic map. To do this you need to
- Choose a location
- Research the elevation and height of the land in that area
- Make a plan for your map development
- Build the map
- Present to your teachers
Phase 3: School Map
Imagine you were brand new the school, wouldn’t it be great to have a map to help you understand where everything is?
What would be some other uses of a school map?
Create a map of your school. Be sure to map both the inside and outside of the building. Be sure to show all floors in the building. Use labels and plenty of details.