Garden Stations Coming Soon!

With the snow on the way the Garden Committee decided we needed a little green. In January, we will start growing stations in the halls with a variety of vegetables. Basil, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, red peppers and jalapeno peppers will be in the first planting. Classes can take taste samples, take measurements, and learn to care for our winter plants.


Mindfulness and Science


PreK students practiced mindfulness yesterday as they explored our bioswale (rain garden). The area around Discovery Academy’s flag pole is called a bioswale and it is chock full of beautiful natural plants and helps manage the rain water that flows off our driveway.

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The PreK students sat quietly and focused on the plants they would take as sample specimens.

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They then turned to the other side of the bioswale to get a different perspective.

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The students took their specimens back to their classroom to draw representations.

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Along with science and vocabulary the lesson integrated listening skills, concentration, taking turns, and drawing.

The Science In Pumpkins


Our preschoolers spent time exploring pumpkins. How they grow, what they weigh, their texture and the surprises inside.

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Last year’s pumpkin was watched through the decomposition phase and was thrown out on the classroom garden. When the summer came the seeds germinated and grew the pumpkins that we are using this year. Isn’t the growing cycle amazing?

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