Math is all around us. We use it in everyday life, but sometimes it is hard to see.
In this unit you will explore math in the world around you.
Your job:
Phase 1: Math is every where
Can you brainstorm how and where math is used every day? If we didn’t have math what inventions would we be missing?
During the course of the week keep a Math Finder Journal. Every time you see math being used write it down.
Phase 2: Math Sheets
Attached are some Math Sheets for you to work on in. Are they challenging?
Would you like to do more math? What kind of math do you like best?
In addition to the math sheets attached create 3 word problems. One should use Addition, one should use Subtraction, and one should use Multiplication. Solve them and show the work.
Phase 3: Savings
Math and Money are closely related. As you grow older it will be important for you think about how you want to manage your money.
Discuss why this is important?
After discussing, pick something you really want. It could be a toy or clothes or a vacation you want to take. Do a little research and figure out how much it will cost.
Now think about different ways you could earn money. How much can you make from this job?
How long do you think it will take you to save for the item you selected above?
Phase 4: Math Careers (If you do this, I will help with the speakers)
Lots of careers use math every day. What are some jobs that you can think of where people might use math?
Do some research on the internet to see what jobs you can find that use math. Discuss these with your teacher.
Invite in some people with jobs in math and find out how they use math daily.